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Tesla LEG Mirror series triangle woman plate


Tesla Leg Mirror Triangle woman plate with semi-opaque mirror purple paint

The Tesla Leg Mirror Triangolo Man and Woman plates are purple, a color considered very effective in assisting the reception and transmission of orgone energy.


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Specifically, for the two TRIANGULAR SHAPES, the one with the tip upwards represents the Divine, Fire and the Masculine and therefore suitable for man, while the inverted Triangle, with the tip downwards, represents Humanity, the Water is the Feminine, therefore suitable for women.

You can find the men’s triangle model here. Therefore, you can use the Triangular Plates as a protective pendant to wear that energizes you, balances you and protects you from any disharmony. Perfect for you, for your loved ones, for your children, but also for your pets. 
The plate has a thickness of 2 mm, the material is aluminum which will never be in contact with anything as the food grade paint insulates it.

Without the cord you can certainly use it to always carry with you, perhaps in your wallet or bag.

• side: 4.5 cm
• thickness: 2 mm

Exploring the symbolic meaning of the triangle

Sometimes, the simplest and most basic shapes have the deepest meaning. The symbolic meaning of the triangle is a big deal. It is found in Christianity, in Celtic wisdom, in Freemasonry, in Egyptian culture – just about everywhere. Get an idea of ​​why the simple triangle is an important teaching tool in symbolic learning.

When I wear the ring right side up, the triangles stand upright and I affirm my masculine energies. When inverted, with the tips pointing downwards, I am saluting my feminine wiles. Few objects can match the duplicity of my moods, so I appreciate this versatility.

Some keywords associated with the meaning of the triangle include…

  • Type
  • Creativity
  • Harmony
  • Proportion
  • Ascension Day
  • Climax
  • Lighting
  • Integration
  • Subjectivity
  • Demonstration

This type of versatility is what captures the themes of magic, wonder, and creativity in the triangle meaning.

None of the other basic forms offer this kind of inherent duplicity. When we turn a square on its side, the meaning of the symbol remains the same. The same goes for the circle: if you turn it around, it’s still a circle.

The triangle offers huge polar variables in meanings when tilted from top to bottom, i.e.…

  • Female-Male
  • Lunar-Solar
  • Yoni Lingam
  • Shakti Shakta
  • Passive-Assertive
  • Cave-Mountain
  • Down (down)-Up (up)
  • Mother father

These are just a few examples of how a simple move of this symbol can offer huge variations in meaning. I invite you to contemplate these and other similarities, as I believe that meditating on these solidifies the symbolic experience that the triangle symbol must share.

Any discussion about the meaning of the triangle cannot continue without connecting it to the number three: in fact, the meaning of the triangle is inseparable from the number three.

All mystical teachings incorporate the power of three in their folds. Three represents the union of the numbers preceding it (One and Two). Numerologically speaking, if One represents strength and Two represents an opening, then Three is the birth of true wisdom.

Let’s consider just a few time-honored triads proposed by esoteric triangles…

Historical and cultural trinities represented by the triangle

  • Waxing, Waxing, Full
  • Spirit, Mind, Body
  • Father, Son, Holy Spirit
  • Mother, Father, Son
  • Past Present Future
  • Power, Intellect, Love
  • Thought, Feeling, Emotion
  • Mother, Girl, Old Woman
  • Love, Truth, Wisdom
  • Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer
  • Creation, Conservation, Destruction

The symbolic idea here is that the vertical side represents one aspect, the horizontal side another aspect, and the hypotenuse is the fruit of the combining sides. The combination of one and the other produces an entirely new form of being (a child, so to speak).

This, among other complexities, is where the meaning of the creation/creativity triangle symbol comes from; each side and each corner resonate a melody and their combination in shape creates a wonderful harmonic orchestration.

The theme of the triangle is abundantly present in Celtic culture. We see it in the form of the triskelion, triquetra and various other Celtic trinity knot motifs.

The designations of “mother, maiden, crone” are common among researchers of Celtic triads. The concept was first proposed in modern literature by Robert Graves who observed the threefold aspect of the divine feminine in his book The White Goddess: A Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth.

The observation is valid, but potentially overstated; there is much more to the sacred triad than this overly simplified reference, as Aristotle established triangles as symbols of the five elements in nature:

triangles and connections to the five elements

Triangles as elementary symbols

Triangles are also present in the Aristotelian conception of the five elements. Why did he assign triangles to each of the elements? Why not circles or squares?

Perhaps it is because there is a deeper creative activity inherent in each individual element. Of course, combined these elements are the sum of infinite potential and divine creativity. But individually their creative sparks also shine.

To the Greeks, the triangle is seen as the delta glyph and is the symbol of a door. This really appeals to me because it revisits the combination of polarities to bring out a new openness; for example, balancing thought and emotion would provide a gateway to higher wisdom (the hypotenuse).

Finally, we propose these questions as an exercise to personalize the meaning of the triangle:

  • How does it feel to be in the middle?
  • How can I find strength through the holy trinity?
  • Is the sum of my parts working together towards unified glory?
  • If you were to assign philosophical meanings to each side of a triangle, what would they be?
  • How can I use this philosophical triangle to propel me towards a higher existence?
  • What kind of structure do I have in place to ensure my spiritual evolution?

By asking these questions, we begin to personalize what is potentially an overwhelming topic with triangular meaning.

In closing, thank you for allowing me to delve into the seemingly endless ramifications of the triangle’s meaning. We hope you enjoyed these perspectives. But don’t stop on this page, find triangles in your life, in nature, in the books in your library… learn more about them and incorporate them into your experience.

Our lives are like giant laboratory experiments. We can introduce triangles and other symbols into our daily practices and record the results of our discoveries ultimately leading to development and growth.

The Mirror series with purple mirror effect paint

The most special Tesla plates in the world!!!

The Tesla plates of the LEG series are certainly the most powerful Tesla plates on the market!!!

The color of the MIRROR series is purple, the color of the seventh chakra and considered very effective for assisting the reception and transmission of energy in harmony with the pineal gland whose chakra is depicted in the same color.

This type of exclusive painting gives the product an elegant and refined mirror effect that cannot be captured with the camera, we can only give you an idea:

mirror effect of the Leg Mirro series of Tesla Plates

mirror effect from the Mirror series

But do Tesla plates discharge or erase other devices?

No, Tesla plates:

  • they never charge, unless they are fired at over 350 degrees (Curie temperature of aluminum), they last forever
  • they do not have to be energetically cleaned
  • they do not disturb other electronic or non-electronic devices
  • they do not create problems for credit cards or magnetic systems
  • they have never caused problems of any kind to anyone, but in case of pacemaker or pregnancy, seek medical advice as per the precautionary principle

Therefore they are devices that never discharge and that do not need to be energetically cleaned, even if they remain in contact with disharmonies for a long time, but they remain effective over time, continuously drawing on the inexhaustible energy of the ether.

Authenticity of Tesla Plates

Meanwhile, an important premise: Tesla’s plates are not patentable as they are the result of the application of a physical phenomenon: no Patent Office can patent the cold that freezes water. For this reason, anyone who claims that their plates are the originals is telling a lie; at most one can say that they were built according to the best technological standards possessed by a number of people in the world who can be counted on one hand and one hand and still have space left.

Science, and not Tesla, has discovered that by subjecting some substances to specific electrical impulses, the structure of matter changes; based on this principle Bergstresser, who studied Tesla’s research on radiant energy, understood that this effect had beneficial results.

So Bergstresser’s merit is that of having thought that using a particular device whose state of matter was modified could bring benefits. This intuition was confirmed by the fact that more than 50 million Tesla Plates have been sold since 1971.

Before dedicating ourselves to a particular manufacturer with almost forty years of experience, we at Gruppo Indivisibile had the opportunity to try multiple types of straighteners and understood the differences between the good ones, the ineffective ones and the fake ones.

Tesla plates (which Bergerstresser called “antennas or carriers of free energy”) are capable of raising the vibrational state of everything (people, things, foods, drinks, animals, plants, places, environments) with which they come into contact as well as to counteract the effects of electromagnetic pollution, EMF (mobile phones etc.).

Attention – Please note – Disclaimer

This product is made with top quality materials and works exclusively on an energy level. Therefore, the use of this product for any physical problem CANNOT in any way replace adequate medical therapy carried out by qualified personnel, nor can it justify an interruption of such treatment. You are therefore personally and fully responsible for any use of this product.


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Tesla LEG Mirror series triangle woman plate Tesla LEG Mirror series triangle woman plate
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