Terrain Detox Program (11days)
Terrain because its in a sequence Day by Day
If anyone in The Group is Intrested to be a Part of this Program please let me know in Private Message.
Applicants need to send me Their DNA samples (Nails) in this case .
This is Highly advanced Program Done REMOTELY with help of Your DNA.
The program will Run 24hrs x 11days
If you have any Questions, confusion related to this Program
You’re welcome to Ask me in P.M
More information can be found below
Detox Protocol for Remote
The Detox protocol prepares the terrain in your body to be more available or receptive to further Rife treatments.
When running the Detox protocol, make sure you keep yourself well HYDRATED to aid the elimination of toxins from your body.
This preset runs for 11 days.
Entire Schedule for Detox (REMOTE)
Here is a table to find the beginning of each day in this preset:
DAY1: Remove Metals1
DAY2: Remove Metals2
DAY3: Remove Chemical Materials
DAY4: Remove Systemic Toxins 1
DAY5: Remove Systemic Toxins 2
DAY6: Remove Intestinal Toxins
DAY7: PARASITES and Liver Function
DAY8: Kidney Function 1
DAY9: Kidney Function 2, Cleanse Blood
DAY10: Kidney and Liver Toxins, Intestinal Parasites
DAY11: Lymphatic System 1, Lymphatic System 2
**Additional info**
This preset has the following programs:
Cleanse Blood: Lymphangitis , Streptococcus Pyogenes
Intestinal Parasites: Detox 2 Parasites in the Intestines
Kidney and Liver Toxins: Detox 3 Toxins in the Kidneys and Liver
Kidney Function 1: Kidney Function Balance
Kidney Function 2: Kidney Insufficiency
Lymphatic System 1: Lymphs and Detox
Lymphatic System 2: Lymph Support
Parasites and Liver Function: Liver 1 – , Liver 2 – , Liver Flukes – , Liver Function Balance
Remove Chemical Materials: Detox Pesticide, Detox Fluoride
Remove Intestinal Toxins: Detox 1 Toxins in the Intestines
Remove Metals: Arsenic , Mercury Toxicity V, Heavy Metal Toxicity
Remove Systemic Toxins 1: Detox Toxic Proteins
Detox Toxins Elimination 1
Remove Systemic Toxins 2: Detox Toxins Elimination 2
Remove Systemic Toxins 3: Detox 4 Toxins Throughout the Body
** it is Important to drink Water through out the Program
** if You have Metal inserted in your body DO NOT APPLY
**If You have Pace maker DO NOT APPLY
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